Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Efficacy of black seed (Nigela Sativa)

For centuries, black seed is used millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to maintain health. Oil and herbanya believed to treat diseases associated with the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, stomach and liver disorders as well as to boost the immune system.

Dominique (36), a resident of South Jakarta Mampang Prapatan, mid January, a prolonged cough illness. He claimed his throat itching abysmal. Cough medicines are usually consumed, no longer working.

Fortunately, from a health practitioner Totok Aura Dian Kenanga in Kemang area, then get a prescription Dominique black seed oil, which is one teaspoon of black seed oil is mixed with a cup of coffee. Twice a day, morning and evening, for 2 days, he drank the mixture. The result, Dominique no longer experience a prolonged cough.

Others, Patar (45), have experienced an allergic cold month. When cold, the man who lives in Bogor are experiencing itching in sekujur.tubuhnya. He then consumed 2 capsules of black seed oil, morning and night.
Three days later the itching was also gone.

From Mediterranean

Black seed is believed to come from the Mediterranean (Mediterranean around), before it spread to various parts of the world, including Asia. It is small fibrous, size is not more than 3 mm. Black seed included in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae).

There are two types of this plant, which is a bluish purple and white. The people in Arab lands have known black Jintan more than 2,000 years ago. They use these plants to cope with various health problems, such as toothache, flu, sore joints.

In Arabic, known as black seed Habbatus sauda (seed pleasant) or habbatul baraka, which means seed that brings blessings. For the Muslims, black seed is the grace of God. Recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to take advantage of black seed was recorded in a hadith. "Stay with Habbatus sauda treatment for that he could cure all diseases except death."

Not surprisingly, Latin named plant Nigella sativa L. This entry in the list of natural medicines in the book al-Tibb al-Nabawi or the Prophet's way of treatment.

Efficacy seed spread to Egypt, Greece, and India. Tutankhamen tomb discovered in the narrative that black seed is used Pharaoh's personal physician as the raw material oil and ointment to treat indigestion. Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to treat skin to stay soft.

In 460 BC, Hippocrates suggested the use of this plant to generate vitality and energy, comfort, and overcome the fatigue of the body and psyche. Dioscoredes, physicist from Greece, first century reported that black seed is used to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache, increase milk production, and to cure intestinal worms.

In 980 AD, Ibn Sina in The Cannon of Medicine states Habbatus sauda as a stimulant to help restore power and freshness of the body, stimulates energy, and helps recovery from fatigue or lack of spirit.

Nutrient Rich

In 1960, Mahfouz and Badr El-Dakhakhny, Egyptologist, nigellone isolate the active ingredient of essential oils of black seed. Researchers found that two volatile oils (tends to evaporate at normal temperature and pressure) in black seed is nigellone and thymoquinone.

Nigellone prevent muscle spasms and dilate the respiratory tract, so that black seed efficacious for respiratory disease. Nigellone also is an antihistamine, which helps reduce allergies, while the potent anti-inflammatory and antinyeri thymoquinone. This compound is effective for flushing body of toxins.

In the same year El-Dakhakhny reported that black seed oil has the ability to relieve arthritis. Research in the laboratory revealed nigellone oil content and thymoquinone in black seed is antileukimia. Other studies, the two elements that help boost the immune system and effective for treating asthma and dry cough.

Research in the field of AIDS prevention is Dr. Haqpada in the Department of Biological and Medical Research Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1997. As a result, black seed can improve the ratio of positive and negative T cells to 55 percent with 30 percent of the activity of natural killer cells.

A literature from the University of Potchefstroom (1989), South Africa, explains the black seed can raise levels of breast milk in nursing mothers. This is indicated by a combination of lipid portion and the structure of the hormone in Habbatus brothers. According Yellia Manganese, author of How to Conquer Cancer Wise, black seed rich in nutrients that support immune function, including
interferon which helps cure cancer.

Plant named another black seed is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids (linolenic acid and linoleik). Alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) acids linoleik (omega6), a substance that can not be formed in the body, so that the body should receive a supplement containing both the acid.

Seed also contains 15 kinds of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, volatile oils and crude fiber. The content of vitamins and minerals include calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and niacin. Black seed also contains arginine, which is important in the growth of infants.

Dry Cough Up From Cancer
Black caraway, also known as black car away, black seed, black seed, shonaiz (Iran), kolonji (Africa), have been produced in oil or powder form. Here are some recipes that are offered from the clinic Salma Dian Dian Kenanga and herbalist Yellia Manganese:

1. Hacking cough
Ingredients: black seed oil, water, coffee.
How to: Mix one teaspoon of seed oil into a glass of water coffee. Drink 2 times a day.

2. Diabetes
Ingredients: 1 cup black seed, black seed 1 cup oil, 1 / 2 tablespoons pomegranate skin.
How to: Destroy all the ingredients to a powder. Take half a spoon ingredients are then mixed with black seed oil. Drinking before breakfast for a month.

3. Flu
Ingredients: Oil of seed
How to: Put 3-4 drops of black seed oil into the nostrils to reduce blockages in the nose.

4. Diarrhea
Ingredients: Oil of seed
How to: Mix 1 tablespoon of seed oil with a bowl of yogurt. Drink this mixture two times a day for three days.

5. Smooth milk
Ingredients: 250 g seed seeds, 250 g of pure honey.
How to: Combine the seed seeds and mafu, stirring until smooth. Drink 2 tablespoons with 1 teaspoon of oil each day.

6. Rheumatism
Ingredients: Oil of seed
How to: Warm the little black seed oil, rub gently on affected body part rheumatism. To speed healing, take 1 teaspoon of seed oil 3 times daily.

7. Allergy
Ingredients: Oil of seed
How to: Take 1 teaspoon black seed oil 2 times a day.

8. Hypertension
Ingredients: seed seeds, garlic, hot water.
How to: Add 1 teaspoon of seed into hot water with 2 ptotong garlic. Drink water every morning before breakfast.

9. Toothache
Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar, seed
How to: Boil 8 ounces of apple vinegar and 2 teaspoons of seed seeds. Herb is used to rinse his mouth until the pain disappears.

10. Asthma
Ingredients: Oil of seed
How to: Apply the black seed oil on chest and back. Or mix 1 teaspoon of seed oil into boiling water and inhale steam twice a day.

11. Cancer
Ingredients: 2-3 g of seed seeds, each 10 g bitter leaf, ginger, turmeric, white Intersection, Intersection mango, ciplukan and Meniran.
How to: Wash ginger, turmeric, white Intersection, Intersection mango, and scar. Results were mixed with grated ciplukan, meniran, bitter leaf. Boil 2 cups water until the remaining 1.5 cups. Destroy the seed seeds until smooth. Next mix the seed seed powder to the mixture. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, each 1 / 2 cup

Hopefully pleased

By : Ki Sosro Harjono http://www.wonosari.com

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